What the Religious Right really wants

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I fear how Christianity might someday take their dominionist opinions so far into politics that it will devour all the secular and pluralistic ideas which has made this country a sanctuary of  human rights and the flagship of religious freedom for the world to follow.    The religious right wants to incorporate religious elements into Government (forcing the teaching of creationism, biblical history, force their views into the judicial system.

The following articles will show how this slow but entrenched movement will end freedoms as we know it if it progresses  to the forefront of our political system.  I hope this does not happen.

The Evangelicals Engaged In Spiritual Warfare

Exposing religious fundamentalism in the US

Perry Prayer Rally Organizer Says Democratic Party Controlled By Demons

Former Liberty University Graduate Warns Us About What the Religious Right Wants

THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT’S TROJAN HORSE – How  the RR want I.D. taught in schools

On the rise of the radical religious right and the breakdown of democracy in the United States

Prostituting The Pulpit: Religious Right Wants Churches To Get Partisan, But Most Americans Don’t

Religious Right Wants Separation of Church and State — in Egypt

Since the early 1980s, the Christian Right has been waging a massive political, propaganda and legal war against separation of church and state.