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Announcing LogiCal-LA, Los Angeles first annual conference for scientific skeptics happening January 13-15, 2017

12/6/16 .  Will Trump’s Presidency Empower Creationists?

12/5/16 . More hotels are checking out of the Bible business

12/3/16 .  Thousands rally in Indonesia to celebrate diversity

12/2/16  Irreverent: Atheists annual Christmas mockery begins

12/1/16   Black atheists matter: How an increasingly vocal group of freethinkers is taking on religion

11/29/16 .  Texas to implement rules requiring burial or cremation of fetal remains

11/27/16 Trump’s pick for education secretary will destroy public education

11/25/16 . Trump Wanted Jerry Falwell Jr. To Run The U.S. Department of Education

11/23/16 .   Feel The Burn With Tony Robbins (burned feet)

11/22/16   Herbalife Settles With Federal Government For $200 Million … to the delight of Herbalife!

11/20/16 . A rare win for science: The FTC issues its enforcement policy on homeopathic remedies

11/18/16   Stephen Hawking thinks humanity has only 1,000 years left of survival on Earth and that our species needs to colonize other planets.

11/16/16     French Mayor wants ALL school meals to be vegetarian to avoid offending other religions

11/14/16  Why do people believe in God and how can they say he/she exists?

11/12/16     Anti-Intellectualism Is Biggest Threat To Modern Society

11/9/16  “Donald Trump’s presidential election win stuns scientists”  See Political news

11/8/16   Why climate change experts fear Trump’s presidency  – see Climate Change news

11/2/16  Evolution and Children: Getting off to the Right Start

11/5/16     NASA: We’re Not Racing SpaceX to Mars

11/4/16 Teen says she’s ready to give birth to baby Jesus, doctors say she’s definitely not pregnant

11/3/16  Parents fear that religion will make their children outcasts 

11/2/16   Researchers Clear ‘Patient Zero’ From AIDS Origin Story

11/1/16    ‘Last Chance’ to Limit Global Warming to Safe Levels, UN Scientists Warnsee Climate Change news

10/27/16   ‘Embodiment of pseudoscience’: Deepak Chopra bad choice for Edmonton autism conference says expert

10/26/16   Scientific Skepticism in Four Easy Steps

10/24/16    Little lies become big ones neurology shows 


10/22/16   Religion And Education Explain The White Vote

10/20/16 Four rituals that will make you happier


10/14/16    Mom Explains Why She Killed Her 2 Kids: ‘I Gave Them a Choice’ to Live or Die

10/12/16     New Analysis: 26 million voters with no religion could turn out on Nov. 8, dwarfing previous records

10/10/16   Al-Qaeda Attack Survivor Says Quran Makes Her ‘Such a Good Atheist’

10/8/16  FFRF brings freethought into the Virginia prison system 


10/2/16 Action Alert! Keep Religious Schools out of the Federal Piggy Bank

10/1/16   Mormon Church leaders discuss ‘homosexual agenda’ in leaked videos

9/28/16   Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV 

9/26/16  Blogger arrested in West Bengal for allegedly committing blasphemy against Islam

9/23/16  A wake-up call on the junk science infesting our courtrooms

9/22   Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”

9/20//16   Did you know that intelligence is inherited from mothers?

9/20/16   Religion in US ‘worth more than Google and Apple combined’

9/19/16   Muslims surpass atheists as most hated religious group in America, according to new study

9/18/18    Atheists Among America’s Most Disliked Groups, University of Minnesota Study Shows

9/17/16   Humans will be extinct in 100 years says eminent scientist

9/16/16  Ariz. Public Charter School Promotes Religion, Americans United Says In Lawsuit

9/14/16  Presidential hopefuls pander to religion

9/13/16    10 Places Around The World That Impose A Ban On Islamic Dress

9/11/16  Creationism Booted From Ohio Public Schools

9/9/16  Religious Right Support For Donald Trump Exposes Movement’s Values Void, Says Americans United

9/8/16 Embattled Soledad cross will remain standing after 25-year legal battle

9/1/16   The pope beatifies Mother Teresa, a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud.

8/27/16   Healthcare Denied At 550 Hospitals Because Of Catholic Doctrine

8/26/16   $28,280 Later, An Atheist Has Ended His Fundraiser for a Christian Charity That Won’t Take His Cash

8/24/16  Catholic Hospital Turns Away Bleeding Woman With Dislodged IUD 

8/22/16    The Many Similarities Between Jesus and Buddha (see the Atheism/Jesus page)

8/20/16   Evolution in Action: Lizard Moving From Eggs to Live Birth (See Evolution page)

8/18/16   Chancy Combo: Why The Founders Were Not Fans Of Preacher-Politicians

8/16/16  NASA’s unconstitutional grant to religious institute 

8/13/16  One of the best compilations of Shermer and the argument against god’s existence I’ve seen.

8/11/16  America Does Not Ban Religions: Urge the House to Pass the Freedom of Religion Act

8/9/16   Changing The Law on Euthanasia (article)

8/8/16   FFRF gives Florida police chief constitutional lessons

8/7/16   Star Wars-themed ‘Jedi’ religion poses a major problem for atheists in Australia, and here’s their warning

8/6/16 Fox News Hannity Bitchslapped by Atheist  – Also:Atheist Michael Newdow Intellectually Demolishes Arrogant Moron on Fox News

8/4/16    Supreme Court will rule on church-state divide in playground case

8/3/16     Why do Democrats keep snubbing atheists? We help drive the party

8/2/16Mississippi public school cancels prayer service due to FFRF letter

7/29/16FFRF protests students being punished at San Diego State

7/27/16 Petition: “Naturopaths are not physicians: stop legitimizing pseudoscience”

7/23/16 Is Religion To Blame For Violence?  (Video)

7/20/16  Atheists Ask House Majority Leader to Sponsor Humanist Invocation7/22/16  Is Religion To Blame For Violence?  (Video)

7/16/19  Scientists REVERSE memory loss ‘for the first time’ in Alzheimer’s patients This study was criticized as a unworthy by the SGU HERE  Go to the July 2 podcast and start listening at around 4 minutes.

7/14/16  (off topic)  Just watched “The Brainwashing Of My Dad” on NetFlix and thought it had many skeptic-oriented ideas which can relate to religious brainwashing. Also see

7/8/16   Talking Science: Facts About Vaccines and Herd Immunity

7/7/16 Noah’s ark attraction, complete with dinosaurs in cages, ready to open in Kentucky 

7/6/16   New clues in search for Planet Nine  (see Science news)

7/4/16   Warming alters mountain plant’s sex ratios (See Climate Change news)

7/2/16   Marijuana use dampens brain’s response to reward over time, study finds

7/1/16   “Breastfeed is the best vaccine for everything!”: An anti-vax mom changes her tune, and the idiotic backlash begins

6/29/16California city council nixes huge grant to religious school (Local Santa Ana School)

6/28/16  Deserting Islam? Supermarket refuses to bake cake for ex-Muslims

6/23/16  FFRF protests religious decals on Kansas cop cars

6/22/16   One Year Has Passed Since The Marriage Equality Ruling. Let’s Find Out Just How Many Pastors Have Been Forced To Marry Same-Sex Couples

6/17/16   Pharisees And Sadducees: The Religious Right Reacts To Orlando By Doubling Down

6/15/16  Facebook facing heavy criticism after removing major atheist pages

6/14/16   Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz’s Embrace of ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor?  (See Political news)

6/14/16   Sacramento Baptist pastor praises Orlando massacre  and this from the Rachel Maddow show

6/13/16   Spoiler Alert: A Paul Ryan-Led House Unlikely to Shift on Climate Issues (see Climate Change news)

6/11/16   Bangladeshi Police Arrest More Than 3,000 People To Prevent Further Attacks on Atheists and Others

6/10/16  Dutch Replica of Noah’s Ark Suffers Damage In Collision at Oslo Port

6/9/16  Flying Spaghetti Monster spotted underwater off Australia

6/7/16 Global Carbon Emissions Plateaued In 2015, According To BP (See Science news)

6/4/16 FFRF asks NASA to withdraw large religious grant


5/28/16 Three of six Perquimans brothers of a “Christian home school family” accused of sexually abusing their sister plead guilty

5/27/16 The Growing Threat of Creationism (See Evolution/Creationism news)

5/27/16  Texas school district cracks down on religious promotion after FFRF complains  (See Church-State news)

5/26/16  Astro-Geeks Claim To Find Biggest Structure Ever Seen  (see Science news)

5/25/16  Beware The Honey Trap: Gwyneth Promotes Bee Venom Therapy

5/24/16  College Students Required to Attend Lecture on Exorcisms

5/24/16  Synthetic Life: Most Minimalist Microorganism (see Science news)

5/20/16 Church More Dangerous For Kids Than Transgender Bathrooms –

5/14/16  American Atheists sues Bradley sheriff over Facebook use

5/10/16  Human Rights Coalition Tells Bangladesh: Stop Blaming the Victims of Extremist Attacks


5/7/15 Hubble Unveils Deepest View Of The Universe Ever – See Science news

5/5/16 Secular activist who criticised Islamism killed in Dhaka

5/4/16 Backyard Skeptics Unveils Godless Mother’s Day Billboard

5/3/16   The man billed as the first atheist who could be bound for Congress isn’t actually an atheist at all

5/1/16  Kentucky Activists Fight “Noah’s Ark Park”


4/22/16   Texas cops remove biblical patch 

4/21/16  Michigan schools tighten rules for religious clubs due to FFRF

4/20/16   After Complaints, Rutgers Art Library Removes Artwork Featuring a Crucified Jesus on a Dartboard

4/18/16  Oklahoma House Passes Resolution That Could Allow a Ten Commandments Display on Capitol Grounds

4/14/16  Governor’s veto of bible bill

4/13/16   Mississippi governor signs law allowing armed church members

4/12/16    Nontheists sue California school district over censorship

4/9/16  Bangladeshi al Qaeda wing declares war on atheists

4/8/16Thousands quit Church of Denmark after atheist campaign

4/7/16  Founding fathers fought for ‘separation for church and state.’

4/6/16 Having already made a .50-caliber sniper gun the official state rifle,Tennessee lawmakers on Monday gave final approval to making the Holy Bible the state’s official book.

4/5/16   Just what does religious freedom mean?

4/3/16  Federal Court: Indiana Must Allow Secular Celebrants to Solemnize Marriages

4/1/16   Conflicts Between Science and Spirituality Are Rooted In Your Brain

4/1/116   VA orders Bible removed from MIA/POW table

3/31/16    Mississippi Bill Would Let Churches Create Armed Security Squads and legally kill people

3/30/16  Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed

3/29/16  Atheist Alternative to Air Force Basic Training Church Gatherings Hits Record Attendance

3/28/16 When Exemption is the Rule: The Religious Freedom Strategy of the Christian Right  A long article which explains very clearly the goal of the religious right.

3/26/16  Prayer, Belief in God Sinks to All-Time Low in U.S.  Millennials accounted for the sharpest faith-based declines. 

3/24/16   Star of HGTV’s upcoming reality series Flip It Forward (*UPDATE: show has been cancelled due to his anti-gay beliefs)

3/21/16   The White Horse Prophecy: Glenn Beck Tells Utah That God Has Chosen The Mormons To Save America By Electing Ted Cruz   See Political News

3/20/16  Report: World’s Happiest Countries Are Also Least Religious 

3/19/16   Nano-balls filled with poison wipe out metastatic cancer in mice  See Science News

3/18/16 Mother Teresa should not be made a saint and here’s why

3/18/16 Ken Ham Accuses Neil deGrasse Tyson of Teaching Students to ‘Worship’ Naturalism

3/17/16  Alex Jones: Don’t Let Satan Steal Space Travel!  See Batshit Crazy News

3/14/16 American Pastor: Christian Children Should Be Taught To Be ‘Extremists’ Like Hitler Youth, ISIS

3/12/16    Antarctic history suggests ice sheet ‘danger’ threshold –  See Science News

3/11/16 No, Science Is Not Faith-Based

3/9/16  ‘Pro-life’ Idaho Republican thinks parents have a religious right to let kids die from treatable illness

3/8/16    Toddler died from meningitis after anti-vaxx parents treated him with maple syrup instead of medicine

3/6/16  California school board’s decision will greatly burden taxpayers 

3/5/16  Contrails from planes are really Chemtrails!  (a comic animation from Mr Deity and Brian Dunning)

3/4/16 FFRF ensures Arkansas religious outfits won’t receive grants

3./2/6   Blocked From The Bench: ‘Christian Nation’ Advocate Rick Green Loses Bid To Join Texas Supreme Court

3/1/16   How to Properly Become an Atheist

2/27/16 10 years in prison, 2,000 lashes for atheist tweets
2/24/16 Alex Jones: Obama Murdered Justice Scalia And Donald Trump Is Next 

2/24/16 Bryan Fischer Says That Every Abortion Is ‘Like Food For Demons’ – See Batshit Crazy news

2/23/16  Why Evangelicals Support Trump  (see political news)

2/22/16  South Carolina Legislators Propose Bill to Put “In God We Trust” Sign in Every Public School

2/14/16  Christian Pastor Preaches Against Women Having the Right to Vote or Getting a Job Outside the Home  See Batshit Crazy news

2/14/16   Substitute Leaves Note on Teacher’s Lesson Plan Urging Him to Expose Students to Creationism

2/14/16 Atheist Alternative to Air Force Basic Training Church Gatherings Hits Record Attendance

2/14/16  Atheists’ ‘Right to Know Act’ Is Introduced in AZ Legislature

2/13/16  In God We Trust  – See Church State news

2/13/16    John Kasich: “We Shouldn’t Try To Fix Climate Change Because That’s The Creator’s Wish”  See Climate Change news

2/12/16  Ky. lawmaker files bill requiring men to meet with doctor, pledge marital fidelity on the Bible before getting erectile dysfunction drugs

2/11/16   Rise of human civilization tied to belief in punitive gods

2/9/16 How the Satanic Temple forced Phoenix lawmakers to ban public prayer

2/8/16  Are Militant Atheists Using Chemtrails to Poison the Angels in Heaven?   See Batshit Crazy news

2/6/16   Fearing Satan, Phoenix boots prayers

2/4/16 Saudi Court Spares Poet’s Life but Gives Him 8 Years and 800 Lashes

2/2/16 Contaminants Found in 92% of TCM Chinese Herbal Products

1/29/16 Bryan Fischer: ‘The Proper Christian Response’ To A Gay Couple’s Wedding Is ‘Grief And Sorrow’ –

1/22/16   FFRF gets Tennessee county board of education to remove Christian flag  – See church-state news

1/22/16   A second antiscience bill in Oklahoma (See Science/Anti-science news)

1/16/16  Scarborough: Colorado Shooting occurred because God’s ‘Hedge of Protection is Lowered’  also:  Scarborough: God Allowed Benghazi Attack Because ‘America is Mired in Sin’ 

1/14/16 Supreme Court agrees to hear case over separation of church and state (see Church State news)

1/13/16  Scalia dismisses concept of religious neutrality in speech

1/13/16   In 100 Years, Will People Still Believe in God?  (video)

1/12/16    This graph shows how strongly people around the world feel about religion

1/11/16    Atheism is a science of living & giving  (India atheist conference)

1/9/16  3 Reasons Why Religious Americans Should Warm Up to Atheists

1/7/16  TX state court refuses to award continuing legal education accreditation to a class on Christian ethical perspectives

1/6/16 Jesus Who? The Historical Record Gives No Clue

1/4/16  Dog with Slice of Ham on Face Gets 1.3 Million Facebook Prayers (and Counting)  See Batshit Crazy News

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