
Yes – Our monthly meetings are really in a backyard!

Scientific discussion and debate wash over me like a refreshing shower of reason, cleansing me from the bombardment of conservative, supernatural beliefs. ”  From Kristen, a BYS member

Backyard Skeptics is the largest scientific skeptic/atheist organization in Orange County, California with over 1400 members in five different chapters and growing.  We are active in advocating the position of non-belief, science advocacy  and the support of church and state separation.   We are a community of non-theists, skeptics, atheists, humanists, anti-theists and evidencialists (we need empirical evidence and scientific consensus of any claim to accept it as true).

600_178630592 Besides our entertaining and enlightening monthly meetings (available to see free on-line HERE) , we also organize entertaining events  such as monthly debates, field trips to science-oriented events, movie nights, solstice parties, Skeptics at the Pub nights, camping trips (see pixs below) special dinner show events and local debates.  We also sponsor the only Freethought Conference in the area and the scientific skeptics conference called LogiCal-LA conference in Los Angeles.

All of our events are announced from our MEETUP page where everyone is welcome to join.  Only Meetup members can see where and when each event happen.  Joining is free on the Meetup page but we ask for a small voluntary donation for special events.   You can join any one (or more) of our five chapters: Central OC (the main group), Long Beach and Los Angeles , our informal Skeptics at the Pub which dines at local Irish pubs and our newest meetup group, Thank God I’m An Atheist”..  Each group has it’s own flavor, but we recommend joining the main Backyard Skeptics (Central OC) group so you can receive all the major announcements.  If you agnostic, atheist, or just on the fence about religion and looking for a community of non-theists, you’re welcome to join our group.

Enjoying a great day on our overnight camping trip at Joshua Tree

Please consider contributing to our cause to make this a better world by expanding the influence non-theists have.  Our voluntary membership  is $20 bi-annual  or only $4 per month donation HERE.  Cancel anytime.  This helps us support our annual conferences, webpage costs, solstice parties and more.  See our donation page to make your contribution.  Our  501(3)(C) is currently not tax-deductible applicable but we are working with the IRS to return to a non-profit organization.

Our video streaming page has many videos from our monthly meetings, the OC Freethought Alliance conferences and monthly debates.  Most are free.  Also see the LogiCal-LA lectures for free at Logicalla.com

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